MBP Action Stories

Action Stories

Allison, in med bed
It started as a tiny scratch...

...and then took 5 agonizing days to get Alison from her remote island to a hospital in Australia.
Doctors told her that she was within hours of losing her leg to a flesh-eating bacteria.

With the right boat, we could have been there in 7 hours!

More Action Stories

Amputee, white chair, crutches, blue shorts
Amputee Care

Amputees receive no care and are forgotten. Michael and Julie want to change this but cannot without frequent, reliable transportation to the remote islands.

Translators Testimony

Translators want to reach the unreached to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
They need safe, reliable transportation where no airports exist. [ 3:35m video ]

Amputee, blue shirt, crutches

Medical professionals need to reach the remote islands to provide basic and lifesaving health care where no clinics exist. They need onboard triage, exam, surgical, and lodging space. With the right boat, we can make this happen.

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Translators want to reach these remote islands but they need transport!​